We are a community built on values

June 1, 2020

Dear SOJC community,

The events of the last week have reminded me about the reasons I came to this country and became a U.S. citizen. Throughout history, people here have united to denounce injustice and show solidarity with those who suffer. It is why I chose to make the United States my home.

I feel the need to say his name. Although we do not all face the same obstacles as George Floyd and other victims of police brutality have, an oppressive system serves none of us. This is a crucial time in our society’s evolution, and despite all the stress and anxiety we are already facing, now is the time to stand up and be part of the change. To show that we stand together.

Despite the tragic and extreme events we have been witnessing and experiencing, as a community we must reaffirm our commitment to social justice and reject racism and violence. At the SOJC, we also have a responsibility to make a difference in the lives of our undergraduate and graduate students, who will go on to improve this imperfect society as journalists and communicators.

All of us must work harder — and with renewed sense of urgency — to educate ourselves and engage one another and our students on the historic context of last week’s and similar events, and the role of news and other media organizations in sustaining or challenging entrenched racism. Several of you have offered helpful resources.

On top of the social unrest, we are sharing the distress of an ongoing pandemic. But as we have seen it can also bring out the best in us and crystalize our sense of purpose.

Faculty, graduate employees, and staff: I know it has not been easy, but thank you for all you have done this term and for overcoming immense pressure, frustration, helplessness, anguish, and even anger to come together for our students.

On Friday, I participated in the all-staff meeting, and I was so inspired by the dedication and commitment of our colleagues. Your drive and success in the face of great challenges are remarkable, and we must not lose sight of that. Together, we must continue celebrating positive events in our world, from the successful launch of the SpaceX Dragon capsule, to our upcoming commencement, to knowing that we are making a difference in the lives of our students.

Yes, we are hurting from the disturbing events of the last week, yet we need to find purpose and hope. We all must continue to read and study, listen better, and stand up against racism and violence. And let’s recognize the completion of a challenging but successful term. Let’s celebrate our students at commencement on June 20.

We are a community built on values. This is what keeps us together. We may be physically distant, but we remain socially cohesive. The SOJC’s mission is to educate the next generation of professionals and scholars who will change our increasingly uncertain, fragile, and polarized world. We need that next generation — and you — more than ever before.

Onward together,