In support of our international students

July 8, 2020

Dear SOJC undergraduate and graduate students,

The SOJC leadership and I are extremely distressed by ICE’s recent decision to revoke visas for international students who are attending all classes online. This policy is cruel, xenophobic, and entirely unworkable for our many international students. It comes at a time when our students are already grappling with the immense stress of a global pandemic, an economic downturn, and ongoing systemic racism and social unrest. And it is untenable to ask international students — some of whom may not be able to safely attend in-person classes due to underlying health conditions — to alter their class schedules or leave the country.

To our undergraduate and graduate international students: You are an immensely important part of our community. Your hard work contributes much to our success in research, teaching, and service, and you bring vital perspectives and voices to our School in so many ways. Most important, you are cherished and valued — as our students, teachers, colleagues, and friends. And we will do whatever we can support your education here. I was once an international student who worked hard to follow immigration rules, work toward my graduate degrees, and eventually succeed as a professional. I can’t imagine having been in this position during my course of study.

The associate deans and I are working closely with the UO central administration, which is also committed to fighting this unjust move by the current U.S. administration. The UO is working in coordination with other higher-education institutions and associations, as President Schill and Provost Phillips stated in their recent message in support of our international students. We, and other faculty members, will be calling our lawmakers to put pressure on them to overturn this decision. The more voices they hear on this important matter, the more impact we will have.

If any of you need additional support at this time, please reach out to me directly, to an associate dean (see below), to SOJC Student Services, and/or to the UO International Student Services team. We care about your wellbeing and your education and are here to help however we can.

In solidarity,

Edwin L. Artzt Dean Juan-Carlos Molleda
Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Leslie Steeves
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs Pat Curtin
Associate Dean for SOJC Portland Regina Lawrence