Instructional and Course Resources

Instructional Support provides resources and support for SOJC faculty teaching classes. For additional information not listed below, email Melody Olmsted.

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Academic Dates and Deadlines

For information about important academic dates and deadlines, visit the Office of the Registrar’s webpage.

Campus Classrooms

For information about technology available in classrooms, or to submit a support ticket, visit


Provided centrally by the UO Libraries, Canvas is an easy-to-use web-based tool for hosting syllabi, assignments, grades, discussion tools, web conferences, quizzes, exams, and more. Your UO email username and password is required for access. Canvas support is provided by CMET.

Course Blog & Social Media Participation

If you will be using blogs, social media or other publicly-accessible communication tools in your courses, you must distribute and collect a FERPA Consent Form for Course Blog and Social Media from each of your students.

Digital Accessibility

Everyone at the University of Oregon who creates, edits, or distributes digital content is responsible for ensuring that it is accessible to people with disabilities. Digital accessibility is an ethical imperative, a University Policy requirement, and a federal legal obligation. Digital content includes anything used or viewed on a computer or mobile device, such as web pages, Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, Canvas courses, and more.

Resources to help university employees create and maintain accessible digital content and services are available at If you have questions or need to consult with an expert, you can email the Digital Accessibility Architect.


Course evaluations are available through DuckWeb. If you are the instructor for a course or lab, your students will evaluate you using the online system.

Examination Policy and Schedule

For information about dead week, mid-term, or final exams, including locations and schedules, visit the Office of the Registrar’s site.


The instructor of record for each course must submit grades online through DuckWeb. Generally, they are due at noon the Tuesday after finals week. Step-by-step instructions and support are provided by the Office of the Registrar.

Mandatory Attendance

 A mandatory attendance course, marked with an “A” on the class schedule, requires enrolled students to attend the first-class session.

What does this mean for you? You should take attendance on the first day of class. Report any students who do not attend the first session to the Registrar’s office before the second class session meets. The Registrar’s office will drop the students from the course. The university refund schedule applies.

How do I report first day non-attendance to the Registrar? If you have students who did not show up for the first class session, send an email to from your UO email address with the subject line “Mandatory Attendance Drop.” Include in the body of the email the course name, CRN, and names and ID numbers of the students who did not attend. This email should be sent before the second class session.

What if a student asks permission to miss the first class session? Students may contact their instructor prior to the start of classes and ask permission to miss the first class because of exceptional circumstances, such as a large storm system severely disrupting travel. The instructor has the option to waive the requirement based on the soundness of the reason provided by the student. Instructors who allow a student to miss the first day must also allow the student to make up any missed work.

How can students add the class after the first class session? After the first class session, mandatory attendance classes will become instructor consent classes; students may only add with instructor consent. If seats are available in the class, instructors should send the names of the students wanting to add, their ID numbers, the course number, and the CRN to before 3 p.m. on Friday of the first week of the term. Once approved, students must register by Sunday of the first week of classes. If seats are not available, instructors should check with the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Affairs to see if an overload is possible.

Photography and Video

Photos and videos of your class and/or students are subject to FERPA, therefore UO policy requires that you acquire consent through the university’s Model Release Form. Please instruct your students to include “SOJC” and your course name in the “Project Name” field. Subjects under the age of eighteen will require a parent or guardian co-signature. More information can be found on the UO Communications Brand site.

The SOJC Communications team can occasionally offer photo and video support for courses if it meets a larger communications goal. To request coverage, email Andra Brichacek Roe. Please also consider sharing any photos or videos you take yourself with the Communications team for use on the SOJC website, social media channels, and/or marketing materials. Submitted photos and videos must have corresponding model releases.

Reserving Materials

Most course materials can be placed on reserve for students at the Knight Library. Reserve information is available through UO Libraries.

Safety and Risk Resources

Safety and Risk Services has resources for faculty to help with preparing for emergencies on campus.

Student Care Team has resources for concerns related to suicide, sexual misconduct, mental health, conduct and bias response, as well as information about how to report a concern about a student.

Student Engagement Inventory Form

To aid in assigning student credit hours uniformly to courses in the curriculum, the UO Committee on Courses (UOCC) inventories the amount of student engagement in a course using the Student Engagement Inventory form.

Departments preparing course proposals are to complete the SEI on CourseLeaf when deciding how many SCH units to request for a proposed course.

Syllabi Requirements

Course syllabi are expected to be accurate, complete, and must contain all required elements included in the Syllabus Checklist.

General SOJC course policy language can be downloaded to copy/paste into your syllabus.

For preparing Student Learning Outcomes consult Writing Student Learning Outcomes.

Textbooks and Course Materials

Faculty adopt textbooks and other course materials through The Duck Store’s online ordering system. The processing and ordering cycle for adopting course materials can take five to eight weeks, not including shipping time or publisher processing. Placing adoptions early will help ensure that your course materials will be available by the start of classes. View the FAQ for course material adoption.

Special note: If you are considering an import or foreign title, please submit your adoptions right away! Imports can take up to eight weeks to arrive. Please plan accordingly.

Desk Copies

These are books the instructor has already decided to use in his or her class. They are usually free of charge if the book has already been adopted for your class. If a faculty member would like a desk copy, email with your request.

Exam Copies

These are books the instructor would like to examine to see if they want to use it in their class. These are usually free of charge on the condition that the instructor either chooses it as their desk copy or returns the book after a reasonable period of time for review as set by the publisher. If a faculty member would like an exam copy, email sojcfacultyservices@uoregon.eduwith your request. GEs requesting books must be listed as instructors of record for the class.


A class with an electronic waitlist, marked “WL” on the class schedule, allows students to put themselves on a waiting list should a class be full when they try to register. If a seat opens up, the first person on that list is given 24 hours to register for the empty seat. If the student fails to claim that seat, the seat is offered to the second person on the wait list. The waitlisted students will appear in priority order at the bottom of your roster on DuckWeb.

What does this mean for you? You should not keep a separate wait list for the class. DuckWeb will handle it for you. It will impose prerequisites so no one gets in without them. If a student contacts you about getting on the wait list, refer them back to DuckWeb.

What if you want to let a student without the prerequisite in your class? Email your area director and the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs with the student’s name, ID number, and the reason the student should be allowed into the class. Prereqs can be waived only in exceptional circumstances.

What happens if the wait list is full and students start bugging you? We may be able to add more seats to the wait list. Talk to your area director. Or you can tell the student, “I’m sorry. Both my class and my wait list is full. Keep checking DuckWeb to see if spots appear.” Do not keep a separate wait list. We cannot consolidate lists.

What if you want to bump someone from the bottom of the list to the top? We can’t do that. It’s first in, first out.

What about the 500-level sections of the 400/500 classes on that list? We do not activate the wait list for the 500-level section of  400/500 classes. Graduate students register  on the first day of registration (before seniors), so they should get the 500-level classes they want.

What if there is more than one section of the same class? Students may only get on the wait list for one CRN. If they are registered for one section but really prefer another, they may not get on the wait list for the other section.

What if you are teaching a class with labs/discussion sections? Students may only get on the wait list for one lab/discussion CRN. If they are  registered for one lab/discussion but really prefer another, they may not get on the waiting list for the other section.

How long will the list stay active? The wait list will remain active until 9 a.m. on Wednesday of Week One. At that point all waitlists are purged. If any seats open up after that, it’s up for grabs for any student who meets the prerequisites of the course. The last day to add a course is the Sunday of Week One.

For more information visit the Office of the Registrar webpage.