Services for Faculty and Staff
Faculty Services provides day-to-day support for requests from SOJC faculty and staff. For information needs not addressed below, email Faculty Services or visit 219 Allen Hall.
Business Cards
Faculty, staff and GE can request business cards online. GE requests will be forwarded to SOJC Graduate Affairs Office for approval and processing.
Confidential Shredding
The confidential shredding container is located in hallways near 200 Allen Hall or 157 Franklin.
Lost and Found
Located in 219 Allen Hall, or call 541-346-2134.
Mail is delivered to Allen Hall 219 to designated mailboxes Monday through Friday. This includes UPS, FedEx, and any other delivered mail or packages. There is no mail delivered to the Franklin Building.
For USPS deliveries that need a mailing address, use:
Name of Individual
1020 University Street
Allen Hall 219
Eugene, OR 97403
For UPS/FedEx deliveries that need a physical address, use:
School of Journalism & Communication
1020 University Street
Allen Hall 219
Eugene, OR 97403-1275
Parking information for faculty, staff, and students is available on UO Transportation Services’ website.
Guest visitors can use the visitor parking space located near Allen Hall with a parking tag. Email Faculty Services with date, time, and the visitor’s name to request the tag. When approved, an info packet and parking tag will be put in the requesting person’s mailbox. Include your guest’s mailing address in your email if you want the info packet and tag to be mailed out via USPS. Visitors to the Franklin Building have access to three metered spaces.
Printers are located in 219 Allen Hall, 314A Allen Hall and 136 Franklin Building. Tami will provide you a copy code to use the copiers. All copiers can copy (single, double-sided, staple and collate), resize, scan (color scanning only available in Allen 219) and fax. Instructions are posted by all machines.
If you are unable to print directly to the copier, email for help with setup. Please keep the number of copies to fewer than 75 pages at a time to avoid tying up the printer for other faculty and staff.
Faculty Services coordinates all instructional printing and copying requests for class materials. Faculty may place a copy order by emailing your electronic text along with copying instructions, and quantity to Faculty Services. Please allow two full business days to have request completed.
For printing quantities over 100, color, or binding: Email your electronic text along with copying instructions and quantity to Faculty Services. Please allow three full business days to have request completed.
Note: Due to university regulations, copies made off campus cannot be reimbursed unless there are extenuating circumstances. See Business Office, 6-3550, for more information.
Most office and stationary supplies are stocked in 219 Allen Hall. A smaller non-staffed office is located in Franklin 136.
For any special supply requests, please contact Faculty Services.
All orders of promotional products (swag) must be coordinated through the SOJC Communications team. View instructions and guidelines for swag orders.